Applying sensory understanding in product concepting, design, development and communications gives a competitive edge in the fierce competition on FMCG markets. We provide research and training services in sensory evaluation and market research. Our services give tools for R&D, marketing and product quality management.

Aistila research and training services to improve competitiveness of your products
Trained sensory panel

We maintain a high-quality pool of trained sensory panellists together with University of Turku Nutrition and Food Research Center. Pool consists of 60 active trained panellists. Trained panellists have passed sensory tests including recognition of taste and odour sample. They have the ability to describe and distinguish sensory characteristics and normally functioning senses. The panellists have participated in a basic training consisting of basic evaluation methods and practicing evaluations of sensory characteristics of different types of food products.
Active consumer panel

Aistila Oy and University of Turku have a common and extensive consumer panel, which is actively developed. Recruitment can be a combination of online recruitment from the panel and street recruitment. Screening questionnaire is always used in the recruiting process to ensure the recruitment of the right target group and pre-defined quota groups.
Sensory evaluation facilities

Aistila operates at the sensory facilities of the University of Turku. The facilities comply with ISO-8589. Samples are prepared at the sensory laboratory next to the evaluation room. The evaluation room consist of five separate sensory evaluation booths. The premises have controlled conditions and adjustable lighting. A group discussion room is reserved for training of the panellists and focus group interviews.
Multisensory room

An immersive multi-sensory space Aistikattila(R) is a unique space where effects of different environments can be discovered.
Flavoria® Restaurant as a research environment

Product testing on the buffet line at the research restaurant is based on real consumer choices and genuine experiences. In Flavoria® research restaurant, we can study consumers’ behaviour and choices in an everyday setting.
Aistila leans on strong scientific research

Aistila leans on strong scientific research. Our background is at the sensory research at the University of Turku. We use the sensory laboratory facilities according to ISO 8589-std, research restaurant Flavoria®, and the multisensory lab.

We provide the service of a trained panel, reach the consumer of the target group and analyse the data with diverse statistical methods.

We renew our services and way of thinking. We are part of international networks, European Sensory Network (ESN) and European Sensory Science Society (E3S).
Aistila gives a solution how to create products, spaces or experiences that are well liked. The starting point for successful product development is in understanding the products in the category and recognizing the key sensory characteristics that are linked to consumer liking. Aistila gives a company an answer which direction to develop their product or service to achieve better consumer satisfaction. When the most important product characteristics have been recognized the company can use them also in marketing.